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How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers on Cedar Siding

woodpecker removal from cedar

I've had it with those pesky woodpeckers wreaking havoc on my beautiful cedar siding. But fear not, because I've discovered some foolproof methods to get rid of them once and for all.

In this article, I'll share my tried and tested techniques that will liberate your cedar siding from these noisy troublemakers. Say goodbye to those annoying pecking sounds and unsightly holes – it's time to take back control of your home!

Opening Statement

I think the opening statement is crucial for setting the tone of the discussion on how to get rid of woodpeckers on cedar siding. When it comes to dealing with these persistent pests, it's important to approach the issue with a sense of knowledge and professionalism. Woodpeckers can cause significant damage to cedar siding, which not only affects the aesthetics of your home but also compromises its structural integrity.

To liberate yourself from the constant drumming and potential destruction caused by woodpeckers, it's essential to understand their behavior and motivations. Woodpeckers are attracted to cedar siding because it provides them with a suitable surface for drumming and pecking, as well as a potential food source in the form of insects living within the wood. By addressing these factors, we can effectively deter woodpeckers from your cedar siding and create a harmonious living environment.

In order to implement effective strategies, it's important to consider a multi-faceted approach. This involves implementing physical deterrents such as visual scare devices, as well as modifying the environment to make it less attractive to woodpeckers. Additionally, it may be necessary to address any underlying insect infestations that could be attracting these birds to your siding.

quick answer

There's always a quick answer to any problem, so let's explore some efficient solutions to get rid of woodpeckers on cedar siding.

  • Use Visual Deterrents
  • Hang reflective objects, such as CDs or aluminum foil strips, near the affected areas to scare away the woodpeckers.
  • Install scare devices, such as plastic owls or hawk decoys, to create the illusion of predators in the area.
  • Use bird tape or balloons with predator eyes to further deter the woodpeckers from landing on your cedar siding.
  • Apply Taste Deterrents
  • Apply a non-toxic, sticky substance like Tanglefoot or Bird Stop to the affected areas. This will make your cedar siding unpleasant for the woodpeckers to peck on.
  • Spray a homemade deterrent mixture of water, hot sauce, and vinegar onto the cedar siding. The spicy and pungent smell should deter the woodpeckers from causing further damage.
  • Modify the Environment
  • Install netting or wire mesh over the cedar siding to physically block the woodpeckers from accessing it.
  • Trim any nearby trees or branches that may be providing easy access for the woodpeckers to reach your cedar siding.
  • Provide alternative food sources, such as bird feeders or suet, to divert the woodpeckers' attention away from your cedar siding.

Key Takeways

Applying taste deterrents and using visual deterrents are key takeaways for getting rid of woodpeckers on cedar siding. Woodpeckers can cause significant damage to cedar siding, and it's crucial to take proactive measures to deter them.

Taste deterrents, such as bitter sprays, can be applied to the siding to make it unappealing for the woodpeckers to peck on. These sprays are safe for cedar siding and won't harm the birds.

Additionally, visual deterrents, such as reflective objects or scare devices, can be installed near the affected areas. The flashing lights or moving objects will startle the woodpeckers and discourage them from returning. It's important to strategically place these deterrents in areas where the woodpeckers are most active.

Regular monitoring and maintenance of the deterrents may be necessary to ensure their effectiveness.

In addition to taste and visual deterrents, it's essential to identify and eliminate any possible attractants for the woodpeckers. This may include removing any insect infestations or food sources near the cedar siding. By addressing these underlying issues, you can further discourage woodpeckers from targeting your cedar siding.

It is crucial to remember that woodpeckers are protected by federal laws, so it's important to use humane and non-lethal methods to deter them. These techniques can help you reclaim your cedar siding from woodpecker damage while respecting the natural world around us.


The summary provides an overview of the key takeaways for getting rid of woodpeckers on cedar siding. Woodpeckers can cause extensive damage to cedar siding, but there are effective solutions available to combat this problem. The table below highlights four key steps to eliminate woodpeckers and protect your cedar siding.

Step Description
1 Identify the Problem Area: Inspect your cedar siding for signs of woodpecker activity, such as holes, peck marks, or nesting sites.
2 Deterrent Methods: Implement deterrents like reflective tape, scare balloons, or visual deterrents to discourage woodpeckers from landing or pecking on your cedar siding.
3 Sound Devices: Utilize sound devices, such as ultrasonic devices or predator calls, to create a hostile environment for woodpeckers and prevent them from settling on your cedar siding.
4 Repair and Maintain: Repair any existing damage to your cedar siding and keep it well-maintained to minimize woodpecker attraction and potential nesting sites.

Detailed Solution Steps

To address the woodpecker problem on cedar siding, I've found several detailed solution steps that can effectively deter woodpeckers, repair any damage caused, and prevent future issues.

Here are three sub-lists to help you navigate through the points:

  • Cedar Siding Protection Tips:
  • Apply a protective coating or sealant to the cedar siding.
  • Install visual deterrents such as reflective tape or fake predators.
  • Trim nearby trees and branches to reduce woodpecker attraction.
  • Effective Woodpecker Deterrents:
  • Hang wind chimes or aluminum foil strips near the affected area.
  • Use bird netting or wire mesh to cover vulnerable spots.
  • Apply taste repellents or sticky substances on the siding.
  • Repairing Woodpecker Damage:
  • Fill holes with wood putty or epoxy filler.
  • Sand and smooth the repaired areas.
  • Paint or stain the siding to match the original color.

Cedar Siding Protection Tips

I've found that regularly checking and sealing any cracks or gaps in the cedar siding is essential for protecting it from damage.

Cedar siding is a beautiful and durable option for homes, but it can be vulnerable to various issues if not properly maintained. Cracks and gaps in the siding can allow moisture to seep in, leading to rot and decay. This can compromise the structural integrity of the siding and require costly repairs.

To prevent this, I recommend inspecting the siding at least once a year and sealing any noticeable cracks or gaps with a high-quality sealant. Additionally, it's important to keep the siding clean and free from debris, as this can also contribute to damage.

Effective Woodpecker Deterrents

I've tried using reflective tape and aluminum flashing, but woodpeckers still persist in pecking at my cedar siding. It's frustrating to see the damage they cause, not to mention the noise they create.

After conducting extensive research and consulting with experts, I've discovered some effective woodpecker deterrents that can help liberate your cedar siding from these persistent birds.

One highly recommended method is the use of visual deterrents. Hanging shiny objects, such as CDs or reflective streamers, can confuse and deter woodpeckers. The movement and reflection of light mimic the presence of predators, making the woodpeckers cautious about approaching your siding.

Another effective approach is sound deterrents. Playing recordings of woodpecker distress calls or predator sounds can startle the birds and discourage them from pecking. You can find these recordings online or at your local hardware store.

Lastly, physical barriers can provide long-term relief. Installing hardware cloth or bird netting over the affected areas prevents woodpeckers from accessing your siding. However, be sure to secure it properly, as woodpeckers are persistent and resourceful creatures.

Repairing Woodpecker Damage

After assessing the extent of the woodpecker damage, I'll begin repairing it with wood filler and a combination of sanding and painting techniques.

Woodpeckers can cause significant damage to cedar siding, but with the right approach, it's possible to restore the siding to its original condition.

Firstly, I'll carefully inspect the affected areas, taking note of any holes, cracks, or splintered wood. Using a high-quality wood filler, I'll fill in the holes and smooth out any uneven surfaces.

Once the filler has dried, I'll proceed with sanding the repaired areas, ensuring a seamless blend with the surrounding wood.

Finally, I'll apply a matching exterior-grade paint, carefully matching the color and texture of the existing siding.

This comprehensive approach won't only repair the woodpecker damage but also restore the aesthetic appeal of the cedar siding, providing a long-lasting solution for homeowners.

Natural Pest Control Methods

One effective natural pest control method is to use a mixture of vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio to spray on affected areas. This solution is a safe and eco-friendly way to deter pests, including woodpeckers, from damaging your property. The acetic acid in the vinegar acts as a repellent, making the wood unappealing to these birds.

To apply the mixture, simply pour equal parts vinegar and water into a spray bottle and shake well. Then, spray the solution onto the areas where woodpecker activity is observed, such as cedar siding or wooden fences. Repeat this process as needed, especially after rainfall or when signs of woodpecker damage reappear.

Preventing Future Woodpecker Problems

Sometimes, it's necessary to take proactive measures and, in order to prevent future woodpecker problems, regularly inspect and repair any potential entry points on your property. Woodpeckers can cause damage to cedar siding, leading to costly repairs and a frustrating situation.

To avoid this, start by examining the exterior of your home for any signs of woodpecker activity, such as holes or peck marks. Pay close attention to areas where the wood is softer or more vulnerable, like corners and edges.

Once you've identified any potential entry points, it's crucial to promptly repair them using appropriate materials. This may involve patching up holes, covering gaps, or reinforcing weak spots. Additionally, consider installing deterrents like reflective tape or bird netting to discourage woodpeckers from returning.

Final Thought

My final thought on the issue is that it's crucial to address the woodpecker problem before their damage becomes irreparable. Woodpeckers can cause significant damage to cedar siding, which not only affects the aesthetic appeal of our homes but also compromises the structural integrity of the siding. It's important to take action and find effective solutions to prevent further damage.

One approach to address the woodpecker problem is to deter them from the area. This can be done by using visual deterrents such as reflective tape or hanging shiny objects near the affected areas. Additionally, installing bird netting or wire mesh around the siding can physically prevent woodpeckers from accessing the wood.

Another solution is to address the underlying reason why woodpeckers are attracted to our homes in the first place. Woodpeckers are often searching for food or nesting sites. By eliminating potential food sources, such as insects or larvae found in the wood, we can reduce the woodpecker's interest in our siding. Regularly inspecting and treating the cedar siding for insect infestations can help in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Common Signs That Woodpeckers Are Causing Damage to Cedar Siding?

Some common signs of woodpecker damage on cedar siding include holes or punctures in the wood, peeling or chipped paint, and the presence of wood shavings or debris near the affected areas.

Can Woodpecker Damage to Cedar Siding Affect the Structural Integrity of the House?

Yes, woodpecker damage to cedar siding can potentially affect the structural integrity of the house. The repeated pecking weakens the wood, creating openings for moisture and pests, which can lead to rot and further damage.

Are There Any Legal Restrictions or Regulations on Removing Woodpeckers From Cedar Siding?

There are no legal restrictions or regulations on removing woodpeckers from cedar siding. It is important to take humane measures to deter them, such as installing deterrent devices or repairing any damage that may attract them.

What Are Some Alternative Methods to Deter Woodpeckers From Cedar Siding, Aside From the Ones Mentioned in the Article?

Some alternative methods to deter woodpeckers from cedar siding include using reflective tape, hanging wind chimes, and installing scare devices. These can help to disrupt the woodpecker's behavior and discourage them from damaging the siding.

How Long Does It Typically Take for Woodpeckers to Move on From a Certain Area of Cedar Siding?

Typically, it takes woodpeckers a few weeks to move on from a certain area of cedar siding. They may be attracted to the insects that inhabit the wood, so addressing the root cause is crucial for long-term prevention.

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