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How To Get Rid Of A Woodpecker On My House

Are you tired of waking up to the relentless drumming of a woodpecker on your house? Does the constant pecking drive you to the brink of frustration? Well, look no further! In this guide, we will explore effective methods to help you get rid of that pesky woodpecker once and for all. Whether you are a nature lover who wants to preserve the beauty of your wooden abode or simply seeking peace and quiet, these tried and tested techniques will help you reclaim your home and restore tranquility to your daily life.

Woodpeckers, with their vibrant plumage and distinct drumming sound, are fascinating creatures. However, when they mistake your house for a tree and start drilling into its structure, the charm quickly fades away. While it’s important to note that woodpeckers are protected by law in many countries, there are humane and effective ways to deter them from causing further damage to your property. From simple preventative measures to innovative solutions, we will explore a range of options that cater to different budgets and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your woodpecker woes. So, let’s delve into the world of woodpecker control and bid farewell to those early morning wake-up calls once and for all!

how to get rid of a woodpecker on my house


How to Get Rid of a Woodpecker on Your House

Woodpeckers can cause a lot of damage to your house, and their constant drumming can be quite annoying. If you’re dealing with a woodpecker problem, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to effectively get rid of woodpeckers on your house.

Identify the Woodpecker Species

The first step in solving your woodpecker problem is to identify the species of woodpecker causing the damage. This is important because different species have different habits and preferences. By knowing the specific species, you can tailor your approach to effectively deter them.

There are several common woodpecker species that may be causing trouble, such as the Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, and Northern Flicker. These species have distinct markings and behaviors that can help you identify them. By doing some research or consulting with a local bird expert, you can determine which species is causing the problem.

Make Your House Less Appealing

Woodpeckers are attracted to houses for various reasons, including searching for food, drumming to establish territory, or creating nesting cavities. To deter them, you need to make your house less appealing to these birds.

Start by removing any potential food sources, such as insects or larvae that may be living in your siding or nearby trees. Repair any damaged areas on your house, as woodpeckers are more likely to drum on surfaces that produce a loud sound. Additionally, consider installing reflective devices, such as reflective tape or hanging CDs, to create visual disturbances that will discourage woodpeckers from landing on your house.

Implement Woodpecker Deterrents

If making your house less appealing doesn’t solve the problem, you can try implementing woodpecker deterrents. There are various options available that can effectively discourage woodpeckers from damaging your house.

One common method is to install bird netting or wire mesh around the areas where woodpeckers are causing damage. This physical barrier prevents them from accessing the surface they want to drum on or create a nest in. Another option is to use scare devices, such as owl or hawk decoys, to create the illusion of a predator in the area. These scare devices can intimidate woodpeckers and make them think twice about approaching your house.

Remember to check local regulations before implementing any deterrents, as some methods may be restricted or require a permit.

Monitor and Maintain

Once you’ve implemented woodpecker deterrents, it’s important to monitor their effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. Woodpeckers are intelligent birds and may find ways to overcome certain deterrents over time.

Regularly inspect your house for any signs of new woodpecker activity. If you notice any damage or signs of drumming, take immediate action to reinforce or modify your deterrents. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can effectively keep woodpeckers away from your house in the long run.

Seek Professional Help

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Pest control experts or bird removal specialists have the knowledge and experience to deal with persistent woodpecker problems. They can assess your situation and recommend the most suitable solutions to effectively get rid of the woodpeckers on your house.

Remember to choose professionals who prioritize humane and eco-friendly methods to ensure the well-being of the birds while solving your woodpecker problem.


Although dealing with woodpeckers on your house can be frustrating, following these steps will help you effectively get rid of them. Remember to identify the woodpecker species, make your house less appealing, implement deterrents, monitor and maintain, and seek professional help if needed. With patience and persistence, you can protect your house from woodpecker damage and enjoy a peaceful environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about how to get rid of a woodpecker on your house.

Question 1: Why is a woodpecker pecking on my house?

A woodpecker may be pecking on your house for a few reasons. Firstly, they may be searching for food, such as insects or larvae that could be hiding within the wood. Additionally, woodpeckers may be attracted to the sound that reverberates from your house, mistaking it for a potential mate or territory. Lastly, woodpeckers may be drumming on your house as a means of communication with other woodpeckers.

If you are experiencing issues with woodpeckers, it is important to address the underlying cause to deter them from returning in the future.

Question 2: How can I prevent woodpeckers from damaging my house?

There are several measures you can take to prevent woodpeckers from damaging your house. Firstly, you can install visual deterrents such as reflective tape, scare-eye balloons, or fake predators like plastic owls or snakes. These can help to create an environment that is less attractive to woodpeckers.

Additionally, you can make your house less appealing by sealing any holes or gaps in the exterior. By eliminating potential nesting or food sources, you decrease the likelihood of woodpeckers being drawn to your house. Lastly, consider providing alternative sources of food, such as bird feeders, to divert the woodpeckers’ attention away from your house.

Question 3: Is it legal to harm or kill woodpeckers?

Woodpeckers are protected under various laws and regulations, so it is generally illegal to harm or kill them without proper permits. These laws are in place to protect both native and migratory bird species. Instead of resorting to harmful methods, it is recommended to use non-lethal deterrents to discourage woodpeckers from causing damage to your house.

If you are facing persistent issues with woodpeckers, it is advisable to contact local wildlife authorities or pest control professionals who can provide guidance on legal and humane ways to address the problem.

Question 4: Can I use sound to deter woodpeckers?

Sound can be an effective deterrent to woodpeckers. You can try playing recordings of distress calls or predator sounds to discourage them from approaching your house. However, it is important to vary the sounds periodically to prevent the woodpeckers from becoming accustomed to them. Additionally, it is crucial to be considerate of your neighbors when using sound as a deterrent.

Keep in mind that while sound can be helpful, it is often more effective when combined with other visual or physical deterrents to create a comprehensive approach to deterring woodpeckers from your house.

Question 5: When should I seek professional help to deal with woodpeckers?

If you have tried various deterrent methods but are still experiencing persistent issues with woodpeckers damaging your house, it may be time to seek professional help. Pest control professionals or wildlife management experts have the knowledge and experience to effectively address woodpecker problems without causing harm to the birds or your property.

A professional can assess the situation, identify the underlying reasons for the woodpecker’s behavior, and provide appropriate solutions tailored to your specific situation. They can also guide you on the legalities surrounding woodpecker management in your area.

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How to stop Woodpeckers from pecking your home

In conclusion, dealing with a woodpecker on your house can be a frustrating and concerning experience. However, by implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can effectively deter the bird and protect your home. Remember to start by identifying the reasons why the woodpecker is attracted to your house and addressing any potential food sources or nesting sites. Then, proceed with implementing physical deterrents such as netting, reflective objects, or scare devices. Additionally, consider using audible deterrents or seeking professional assistance if necessary. By taking these proactive measures, you can regain peace of mind and maintain the integrity of your home.

It is important to approach the woodpecker issue with patience and persistence. Keep in mind that these birds are protected by law in many regions, so it is crucial to focus on humane and non-lethal methods of deterrent. By understanding the behavior of woodpeckers and employing the appropriate tactics, you can successfully discourage them from damaging your property. Remember, prevention is key, so be proactive in addressing any potential woodpecker attractants around your house. With the right approach and a bit of determination, you can peacefully coexist with these magnificent birds while protecting your home from their destructive habits.

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